You’re here to do big things. I’m here to help.
“HUGE transmissions and breakthroughs! Our session unlocked SO MUCH!”
Deep Dives with Natalie
A one-time laser-focused 90-minute deep dive
When I do a deep dive session, I set up a sacred space for you to talk to your team, your guides, and your highest self. In all of my deep dive sessions, you will get coaching, tools to help you tune into your intuition, action items, and direct messages to get clarity on what’s happening right now in your life.
“I’m still in awe of the session I had with Natalie last week. I’ve never felt so seen, understood and supported during a coaching call. The few days after our call I felt more clear, my intuition was stronger, and I’ve been able to connect with my guides at a deeper level. It’s amazing what 90 minutes with her did for me!”
– Amanda B.
“Natalie is an incredibly talented energy translator. During my session she immediately tapped into what was occurring in my life, and spoke in a way that I connect to (as she’s able to discern how to best communicate to each person!). Natalie provided clear and concise information related to what action steps I should take next for my business. Overall, I came out of our session with a renewed invigoration for my business and soul’s vision!” -Maura M.
“After our session yesterday I received a lot of downloads and clarity! It’s like I’ve lived at least one lifetime since then! Thank you so much!”
“I wanted to thank you for our session last Friday – it has been a game changer in such a profound way…” – Carrie S.
“Thank you again for our sessions and phone calls. Your energy and guidance is unlike any other and makes the most sense to me – which I really value. You have such a gift that everyone needs to come across! I feel lucky to know you in this life.“ – Dallas G., Real Estate Agent & Business Owner
“Natalie Ehmka is probably one of the most powerful people I’ve experienced in my life recently. She truly is a master with a message, and a true conduit for the Divine.” – Princeton C., Speaker & Coach
“Natalie brings a fresh outlook and burst of positive energy and working with her, I literally felt like I had breakthrough in a therapy session with a counselor. Her insight is extremely valuable and comes from a place of love and positivity. Totally priceless!” - April P., Business Owner
“Thank you so much for such a powerful session yesterday. I definitely felt a shift yesterday and I am hoping for more clarity and healing in the coming weeks. I am positive about this. I am sure something major is going to shift. I will definitely keep you posted. Lots of love and light!”
“It's been a few weeks since we had our session together. I wanted to write you to say thank you. Since our session, I have been able to sit and really reflect on major points we talked about, and now have a more clear (though always developing) vision for how I want to move forward in my life, trusting my heart. The work you are dong is so important and I really appreciate you.”
“I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you and the time we just got to spend together. You are one of the most special people I have met. You have shown me so much in my energetic field and how to transform and that is the greatest gift anyone can ask for. I am sending you pure love and joy. Thank you thank you thank you.”
“I just wanted to say, post our session, my cough has improved - doesn’t feel like a coincidence! I’ve occasionally come back to the person we spoke about and I can feel it’s an echo! The charge is gone! I feel lighter and more energised. Thank you. Truly amazing. xx”
“Thank you!!
Feels so good, finally. Like I can breathe, relax, and dream again… this is so exciting. This is the shift I’ve been waiting for. 😭😭😭😭”
“Natalie has directly assisted me to breakthrough my lack of clarity and doubts and go all in to my purpose and mission of starting and leading what I believe to be the next 100 year business. I'm now more in-tune with my intuition, and I'm allowing my authentic self expression to go out into the world and help me accomplish whatever I'm here to do next. I’m forever grateful.”
“I am speechless right now. My session with Natalie was so incredible. It filled in some last pieces of the puzzle in my life that I have not been able to figure out. I would have literally paid ANYTHING for a session like that!“
-Sarah Kay Hoffman, writer & wellness expert
About Natalie
I’ve been studying the process of human transformation for over a decade. In addition to my extensive knowledge of the transformational process and energy translation, I am a certified coach through the ICF (PCC Level), a member of the Forbes Council, a Certified Professional Coach (CPC), an Energy Leadership Index-Master Practitioner.
In addition to my ability to read and translate energy, I also access MY higher self, in order to talk to yours. (It’s still me and all, but kinda like a Clark Kent & Superman situation.) I will offer you specific coaching tools, and can also translate and give you the messages your higher self is wanting you to hear. Your session will be exactly the clarity you need, in order to help you on your path.